Friday, July 15, 2022

Visions & Epiphanies...

Talking with a friend about "visions & epiphanies," you know, shimmering moments of transcendence. I have experienced a couple of these moments myself over the years. How to explain? Language fails. when I try to explain what I saw & felt & experienced, words seems so paltry and off-target. Let's just say I have had moments where everything in the Universe, including me, seemed connected, perfect, and in it's right place. No judgement, no fear, just total connection, good-feeling, well-being. I no longer felt alone in a cold uncaring Universe, no instead, I felt connected, alive and totally essential in a wondrous, amazing, welcoming and embracing Universe of Everything. Funny, these were not "bolt of lightening" experiences, they were small micro-moments, moments that totally overwhelmed me for a few seconds, flooded my being and then evaporated. I do carry the residue of those epiphanies with me. I know what I experienced was extraordinary, and they point to a profound place in my inner-being. I can call upon those moments any time. They exist like vaporous shadows, positive vibrations, with no physical reality, but maybe  a "spiritual" reality. I do think you can base a life upon those tiny moments. It's enough. I do believe.

A.M. Soundtrack - The Smith's "The Queen is Dead" (1986). A magnificent album, a magnificent band. "There is a light that never goes out..." - Morrissey.  Exactly!