Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Strange, Beautiful, & Incomprehensible...

Yes. You have a shimmering glimmer of "transcendence," (see previous post), but, you know, the Universe we live in is a strange, beautiful and incomprehensible mystery.  Check out the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope. We are moving targets in a Universe that is also a moving target. Not always easy to "get your bearings." There are these overwhelming and humbling immensities of SPACE & TIME that  dwarf us all, and you can't really get your head around them no matter how you try to make sense of them.

So, well, what to do? The sense of wonder rolls over you and you just have to get on with things. Yesterday, it was a rainy one, I found myself on a bicycle, slogging thru. That's part of it. The moments of transcendence are brief, yes, they are in my reservoir, but sometimes you just have to get from one place to another, you have to figure what's for lunch, it's "clean-up time" Friday, and you have to grab the broom and the mop, sweep and mop the floor. Slogging thru is part of the whole she-bang too.