Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Stabbed in the Back by Grifters & Charlatans...

The Twilight of Democracy in USA?

I sure hope not. A long-time American here. As Springsteen sings it: Born in the USA. I've had many differences with the direction and policies of my Country over the years, but, no doubt, I am pleased that I was born and raised in a Country where I can speak and write freely, I can vote, I am relatively free to pursue a life of happiness, and a certain prosperity. A perfect Union? Far from it, more of a work in Progress, but I do believe in the Progressive March of Rights for all Human Beings, oh yeah, and our Interconnected Ecosystem too. American Democracy seems to me to be a valuable system worth keeping around.

This morning all of that seems in peril. Another BLOCKBUSTER January 6th Hearing yesterday. Did anyone say "Seditious Conspiracy?" It turns out our last Prez #45 was at the center of a coordinated effort to over-throw a free and fair election result. Such a sad and maddening collection of GOONS, Bad Actors, Evil Clowns. A murderous, armed and dangerous collection of thugs playing a game called Coup.  Fuck. Even as we saw it unfold that day, we didn't really get it.

Yesterday brought it all home in vivid color and detail. It all really, really, nearly happened.  Take it away Liz C.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) - 
President Trump is a 76-year-old man, he is not an impressionable child. Just like everyone else in our country, he is responsible for his own actions and his own choices. As our investigation has shown, Donald Trump had access to more detailed and specific information showing that the election was not actually stolen than almost any other American. And he was told this over and over again. No rational or sane man in his position could disregard that information and reach the opposite conclusion. And Donald Trump cannot escape responsibility by being willfully blind.”

Let me give the floor to Chris Krebs the former "Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the United States Department of Homeland Security from November 2018 until November 17, 2020 when President Donald Trump fired Krebs for contradicting Trump's claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election."