Friday, July 22, 2022

Violated his Oath of Office...

Vice Chair Liz Cheney: "Donald Trump made a purposeful choice to violate his oath of office."

Yeah. We tuned into the live January 6th Hearing last night. We wanted to see and hear it first-hand for ourselves. It was a slog. All the most devastating testimony from these hearings has been from Republicans who worked for #45 the Nauseous, Gaseous Dirigible. Most of the folks who worked for the man should be ashamed of themselves. They have only reluctantly, and under oath and cross-examination revealed the lawless, unconstitutional failure of the former President, who was committed to doing pretty much any atrocity to try to stay in power. There was a plan, and #45 was the director and instigator of that plan. So many of the folks who worked for him in his administration just either did his bidding, or quietly looked away. Finally, when the Capitol was being over-run, cops were being beaten bloody, folks were being maimed and even killed, finally a few folks spoke up, pleaded with #45 to stop the violence, and then, and only then, decided to resign. It was only AFTER it was obvious that the Attempted Coup failed that a few of these folks jumped ship. Most of them remained silent. WTF?! What to think of it all? What a fucking plague and scourge. Our former President is a Coward, a Bully, a Liar, a Criminal, a Traitor to USA and the Constitution. He disgraced himself and everyone who worked for him and enabled him. The case has been made. No doubt. Sure, the man still has devoted followers, they are truly the deluded, and the conned, and they are not Patriots, they are the worst of the worst amongst us, real, true enemies of America, the Rule of Law & Democracy. Those red-hatted MAGA folks have betrayed what truly makes America great.  They are  a clueless, lost DEATH CULT! What happens next? Who knows? The story is still being written, an accounting of the crimes and bad actors is still rolling out. There must be a reckoning. I do believe it is coming. I mean, sure the fuck hope so.