Thursday, July 21, 2022


Well, well, well. 

My main co-creator & co-conspirator and I are a good match. We have some affinities: We both love ART, POETRY, MUSIC (she's a Chet Baker/Van Morrison/Yoko Ono girl, and I am a Dylan/Stones/Sigur Ros guy). We have written, acted in, and presented theatrical performances together. We also have a band. We write and sing songs together. She is a super-disciplined, perfectionist, I am sort a "shoot from the hip" spontaneous kind of creator. We both take a very intuitive approach. We are both super-dedicated to doing the good work. Creative, soulful, leaning to the light. We work well together. Different styles and approaches, but we mesh well. The two parts create a much greater whole. We are committed to the work, and to working together, we tend to bring out the best of each other. Surprisingly, we have attracted an amazing array of talented musicians to help us realize our vision with the band. Last night we played to a fabulous audience in a truly wonderful music room. Everything absolutely right. It was transcendent and beautiful. We live for those kinds of shows. There is nothing better than sending vibrations out into a room of an attentive and enthusiastic audience. Sometimes everyone in the room is alive, aware, & awake.