Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The Artist's Way...

Yes. Reading Keith Haring's Journals (see previous post) is so inspiring, & clarifying. I feel like in his journals he is totally, madly, truly, deeply, speaking my language. Obviously, he is now a long-gone world figure. A celebrated Artist. But even when he was just a kid, a student, a seeker, he already identified with a larger Artistic Community. This rings so true to me too. Even when I wasn't writing, acting, playing music, creating in some tangible way, I ALWAYS felt kindred spirits with the creators, the Artists, the Musicians, the Actors, Directors, Writers, the Poets, Dramatists, Dancers, etc. And it's true the folks who I have connected with most closely in my Life are folks who have a distinct Artistic Bent, folks who just happen to live THE ARTIST"S WAY. There is a passage in Keith's journals when he boldly states: "LIFE is ART," & "ART is LIFE." Yes, no doubt, exactly!