Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Doing...

What next?!

Let's just say you had a magnificent r&r show on a Weds night. Everything clicked. The large and enthusiastic audience was with you and your r&r band for every moment of the night. Playing music was sort of like a vortex, concentrating & conducting the energy of the whole room. Magic was in the air. And as Keith Haring once wrote in his Journals: "Magic must win." Yes, indeed.

Post-show accolades. Folks wildly complimentary. Folks bowled over by our band, our music, the vibes we conjured up. Pretty damn remarkable. You wish you could bottle that energy, those vibes, but of course, you can't. We glowed for a couple days afterwards. Floating on a cloud, but at the same time emptied, spent. We put so much work into making that night a success, so much promotion, talking, thinking, working, planning, wishing, hoping. Gigs like that don't come around that often.

No fuckups. That was good. What next?! Keep doing the thing we do. Back to the rehearsal room, back to our instruments, back to writing and playing new songs. Thinking about booking time in a recording studio. We are going to start visiting some recording studios this next week. We have an album's worth of unrecorded songs we need to track.

The doing. That's only thing to do. The only thing we can do. The doing.