Sunday, July 24, 2022

We Are Murdering the Ecosystem...

Just a quick note this A.M. 

It seems like the whole planet is on fire. Human Beings seem to be at war with the inter-connected, life-supporting ecosystem that has helped birth us, and has kept our species thriving over many generations.

Why would we destroy the beautiful, bounteous and generous, life-giving ecosystem that supports all Life on our little blue planet? I suppose we can blame GREED, the Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, STUPIDITY, SELFISHNESS, and maybe even a sort of self-generated DEATH-WISH?

It is ironic that our addiction to burning fossil fuels (the extinct and long-dead Dinosaurs that liquified below the Earth's Crust), is hurtling our species, and all other species on the planet, to it's own fiery extinction. Revenge of the Dinosaurs! "Climate Change," doesn't quite capture it. We are murdering the Ecosystem.

Who is responsible? Each and everyone of us, every Human Being on the planet.  It is a collective thing. Our Species is GUILTY of Crimes against Humanity and all Life. Yikes! That is a heavy burden to bear, but bear it we must. I wonder if we can come up with some Miracle Cure? A Deus Ex Machina to save the Ecosystem and our own sorry asses? It's looking quite dicey this morning.