Monday, July 04, 2022

A Magnificent Green Canopy...

Summertime in the Heartland. We had a day off, (rare), and we spent most of it under a group of shady trees on the lakefront. Under a magnificent green canopy that reached up improbably sky-high. Little birdies flitting from branch to branch. A warm, sunny day, not a cloud in the big blue sky. A cool breeze off the lake, which was alive with swimmers, sailboats, jet-skis, human beings at play and leisure. The flickering little Emerald City, downtown Chicago, in the distance, tiny looming towers, looking like little tinker-toys. A blanket spread out on the ground, our bikes splayed out in the grass; we ate falafel sandwiches, wrapped grape leaves, pita bread and baba ghanoush. A feast of delight. We were off the clock, time stood still. Surrounded by life: couples in love, babies in strollers, little doggies on leashes, families gathered for fun and frolic. Long, lazy conversation, aimlessly flitting from topic to topic. Landing on nothing. Floating in place. It really did seem like Summer. A day in the life.