Tuesday, July 05, 2022

USA = Failing Miserably...

They call them "Mass Shootings." They happen in the USA quite frequently. 

You know, Anywhere USA. Any town, any village, any street, any grocery store, any parking lot, any Church, School, Office, Warehouse, Club, etc.  It always happens here.  

We have insanely loose gun laws. Weapons of War and Mass Destruction are easily available to Anyone, Anywhere in the Land of the Free and Brave. It is a scourge, a plague, a madness of our Culture. We all have failed; as a society, a culture, a nation. There is no excuse for not doing a better job of reining in the madness.

This latest July 4th Mass Shooting hit close to home. We live on the "North Shore" of Lake Michigan; this one was just few towns over, and the whole day had a black cloud over it. As President Joe said yesterday, after the latest mass shooting in Highland Park, IL:  it is an "Epidemic of gun violence."

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker: "Our founders carried muskets, not assault weapons, and I don’t think a single one of them would have said that you have a constitutional right to an assault weapon with a high-capacity magazine."

A sad day. No celebration here. Events like this, which happen pretty every freaking day are so disheartening, discouraging. Tragic. Human Beings in USA, you are failing miserably...