Sunday, July 03, 2022

Super-Flawed Human Beings, Being Human...

Way back there, in my past, I attended college and got a degree in Psychology. I was not the greatest student, I only applied myself to things that tickled my fancy. Discipline, at that time, was not one of my strengths. Goofing off. That I was quite good at.

I do think studying Psychology was one of the most important things I ever did. I started out as an English Major, thinking I was somehow furthering my chances of becoming a writer, but then on a whim, I jumped into Psychology, thinking that if I was going to be writer, I really needed to understand what made Human Beings tick. 

I came away thinking that Psychology was more of an Art than a Science, it was another realm where Humans were fumbling about, trying to make sense of things, but I did learn some useful concepts and ideas. I was especially inspired by Freud & Jung. Not sure I  came away with any better understanding of what makes Human Beings tick, but I had a few more tools in my kit-bag to keep on the search. Turns out we are not "Clockwork Oranges." We are tricky, contradictory, inspiring and often horrifying beings. There are no Saints, or Monsters amongst us, just super-flawed Human Beings, being Human. We are a very capable and mischievous Species that has become a great threat to all Life on the Planet.

And that is the Great Narrative. And all History, Art, Culture, Science, Politics, Commerce, you know, all Human activity on this little spinning globe is just Human Psychology played out across time. It's a weird-ass story with Billions upon Billions of Humans living, procreating, and dying, and seeding the next generations.

Where am I going with this? I have no idea.  I am just a Human Being typing words into a blank space. Making a mark, like footprints in the sand.  I really don't know what makes me tick. I am always trying to be onto the next thing. To keep myself occupied and hopefully, inspired. I do hear a faint, tick, tick, tick in the back of my head.  Time slipping, ticking away. The Human Being Story is just a story, a story about time and Human Beings doing their very Human Thing. Hope it all works out, but not exactly sure what that means...