Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Toxic Shit is Not Entertainment!

Another recommendation...

Want to stay sane? Ok, never-mind, maybe that's impossible. Want to TRY to keep your shit together? Best advice: Tune out the Loud, Angry Talkers across the Land. I mean it. We tend to amplify the Loud, Angry, Know-Nothings amongst us. We give them the airwaves: talk-shows, opinion shows, faux-news shows, internet streams and videos, blathering, blathering, blathering. There are whole cable networks, YouTube channels & podcasts devoted to that mind-numbing, totally dumbing-down Bullshit. Even cable networks that more closely align with my political persuasion, chatter away in an angry-making, cynical, sarcastic mode. Even "comics" and "comedy shows" stream this toxic shit. You know, just not funny. Not healthy. Air-pollution. Brain-pollution. Toxic to our systems. I think it's all stress-inducing, and your brain actually seizes up. All that toxic talk, pretending to be smart, makes us all less intelligent. And it's NOT ENTERTAINING! If you want to entertain yourself, listen to music, go for a walk, meditate. I mean you can keep informed. I'd recommend listening to NPR, reading the New Yorker, The Guardian, NYT & Washington Post. Reading is such a good, healthy way to ingest the news. I do think we all should also tune into the January 6th Hearings. Be sure to get your info directly from the witnesses. Try to discern facts directly. Inform yourself without intaking the toxic conversation around the cool, clear, reality.  Be AWARE, ALIVE, AWAKE. Seek the Truth. Yes, we all can handle the Truth. And really our lives, our mental-health, and our inter-connected ecosystem all depend upon it. Loud-Talker Opinions? Yikes! Complete Toxic Shit to be avoided at all costs! Let's keep our heads together, people!