Monday, June 20, 2022

"Woke?" - Sure!

Well... sure...

We all should aspire to be "Woke." 

Alive, Aware, Awake.  

Here and Now. How could anyone choose another way?  It is amazing to me that this is a contentious idea. Sure we should all be sensitive to all Sentient Beings. We should be Inclusive & Embracing of all Human Beings of every Race, Creed, Color & Sexual Orientation.

I suppose it gets a bit dicey on the fringes and margins. What to do with those who Hate? What to do with those who want to destroy Democracy? Who want to Discriminate against Others? Who want to be Free to Oppress?

I suppose we must Lead By Example. Show all Sentient Beings that we all benefit if we Lean to the Light: Equality, Fraternity, Liberty.  Free to Love. Think of those Dissenters as "Sick Spirits," folks who need a bit of Healing.  As Dylan once wrote: "Don't Hate nothing except Hatred."