Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Common Folks Standing Up to the Bully...

January 6th Hearing Update:

Wow. Things are truly getting interesting.  The Trump House of Corruption is starting to crumble before our eyes and ears. Yes, so far the hearings have been one blockbuster after the next. Yesterday, we got testimony from folks just trying to do their jobs, knowing that Joe Biden won the 2020 Election fair and square, (you know, really, it was a bit of a Biden Landslide), State Election officials in Arizona and Georgia described how they stood up to the bullying of The Gaseous Nauseous, Dirigible and his team of Toxic, Obnoxious Clowns. On the one hand, the common folk just did the legal, necessary, sensible thing:  Count the votes, Certify the votes, Declare Biden the Clear Winner. Simple. Easy. Democracy in Action.  At the same time, it took a bit of backbone to stand up to the onslaught of ranting Bullshit from Prez 45's (the Gaseous, Nauseous, Dirigible), Toxic Team of Bullying Assholes.

From Committee Member Representative Adam Schiff: "We have been blessed beyond measure to live in the world’s greatest democracy. That is a legacy to be proud of and to cherish. But it is not one to be taken for granted. That we have lived in a democracy for more than 200 years does not mean we shall do so tomorrow. We must reject violence. We must embrace our Constitution with the reverence it deserves, take our oath of office and duties as citizens seriously, informed by the knowledge of right and wrong and armed with no more than the power of our ideas and the truth, carry on this venerable experiment in self-governance."

Dare I conjecture, the tide is turning! Finally. Truth and Consequences.  There are a whole bunch of folks in a deep pile of shit. Any of those cretinous fools who went along with the Toxic Gaseous, Nauseous, Dirigible are in severe legal jeopardy. More hearings to come.  Popcorn Time!