Thursday, June 16, 2022

Stupid Reigns...

Stupid Answers to Stupid Questions...

Question: Are Human Beings going to confront Climate Change?

Answer: Probably not. I mean, yes, of course, with their chins. It's all happening NOW.

Question: Are Human Beings going to make Earth an Uninhabitable Hell-scape?

Answer: Probably yes.

Question: Who will they blame?

God, The Devil, Anyone but themselves.

Question: Is the Trump-MAGA-Death-Cult one of the worst things to happen to USA?

: Yes, no doubt, there is a long list of bad things, but the Death-Cult is probably in the top echelon, (maybe top three?), of bad, fucked up things to happen to our country. A really, really stupid, mind-numbing, brain-fogging, fucked up phenomena.

Can we roll up our sleeves, get our shit together, and fix things?

Who the fuck knows? It's a dicey question. Not sure I'd bet on it. Human Beings: Tricky, Complicated, Not as Smart as they think they are.

Eternity... is it a long time?

Answer: Yes. Eternity is a really, really, really, long, long time.