Friday, June 17, 2022

A Quick Summary of Hearing Day #3!

I heard on the radio this a.m some folks just don't have the time to watch or listen to the January 6th Hearings. Too busy with their little lives to care about Democracy. Well, as a public service, let me give you all a quick summary of Day #3!

1. Yes, there was an organized attempted Coup on January 6.
2. Yes, ex-Prez, (45 - the Gaseous, Nauseous Dirigible), was fine with and encouraged the crowd to murder his V.P. Pence
3. Yes, lots of creeps and hanger's on were trying to help 45's Coup attempt.
4. Yes, 45 and his crew of henchmen & women, knew they were trying to do something totally Unconstitutional and Illegal.
5. Yes, at least one lawyer wallowing in the throes of his corruption was pleading for a PRESIDENTIAL PARDON after the Coup failed.
6. Yes, a Supreme Court Justice's wife (Ginni Thomas) was deeply involved, up to her neck in planning the coup. BTW - they have a ton of email's implicating Poor Fascist Ginni. I think she will now have to testify in front of the Committee. Popcorn time!
7. Yes, a Supreme Court Justice (Clarence Thomas) is now under scrutiny for not recusing himself on Supreme Court cases related to #45 and the Coup.
8. Yes, VP Mike Pence actually did the right thing (he was trying hard not to, but in the end he did). Surprise, surprise!

Yes. It was a consequential, informative, gob-smackingly, totally-impressive, mind-blowing hearing. More to come next week!