Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Big Lie was also the Big Grift!

Back to the January 6th Hearings…

Day Two - It was kind of a blockbuster. Again, most of the devastating testimony was from Republican folks who worked for 45 (the Gaseous, Nauseous Dirigible). You want "bi-partisan," this hearing is definitely bi-partisan.

So far, it is a riveting, life-changing narrative, masterly-presented. 

What was the main takeaway in Hearing #2? 

Not only did our Ex-Prez know his Big Lie (the false claim that the election was rigged), was a Big Lie, he raised $250,000,000 from the MAGA Death Cult for a Defense Fund that DIDN'T EXIST! The Big Lie was also the Big Grift. Most of the money vanished into the deep black hole of B.S.

You wonder if the MAGA Death Cult will ever have that moment of clarity: "OMG, that Fat Fucker not only lied to us, he ripped us off AGAIN!"  I know… not… likely… it is hard for folks to admit they have been suckered.

Yesterday, I turned to my friend and said, "The odds of Fat Fuck being indicted have increased immensely."  As they always say: Follow the Money. I'd bet the FF didn't claim those ill-gotten gains on his tax forms, and, well, you know, where did all the money go?

Inquiring minds want to know!