Friday, June 10, 2022

Stunning, Sad, Enraging, Informative...

We watched the January 6th Hearing last night on TV. We pretty much tuned out the the pre & post commentary, and just watched the hearing. It was stunning, sad, enraging, informative. Stirred us up. Made us realize how fragile our Democracy really is, and how close we all came to seeing it crash and burn.  Not sure what happens next, but it seems like lots more folks who were in the loop of this dastardly plot hatched by 45 must stand and face the consequences of the law. As Liz Cheney (?!?) pointed out, there is only ONE PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY (45) who decided they did not want to submit to the PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER.  So after being trounced in the election, 45 waged a crazy-ass campaign, the Big Lie, that even his Attorney General knew was total "Bullshit," to overthrow all reason, logic, common sense, and the Constitution. WTF! That Dude is a plague and a scourge on the land. We must rid ourselves of this pestilence. How to do it? The Rule of Law. Justice. It is supposed to be Blind and it grinds slow, but here's hoping a reckoning and cleansing is coming. Hoping.