Saturday, June 11, 2022

"Gimmee Some Truth…" - J. Lennon

Ha. In these politically-polarized times, total Bullshit is given equal time to the cold hard facts. So we get, for instance, the Big Lie, a multi-year campaign where that bloated dirigible, ex-Prez 45 yammers on about totally fictional hallucinations of a stolen election: total fabrication, disinformation, ridiculous, totally debunked B.S. But it turns out for a percentage of the population (30 %?), it is a convenient Lie, an entertaining fabrication, something to cling to as if their lives depended on it. It is appalling. The Big Lie sits in the punchbowl like a very big, ominous, ridiculous, deadly turd. We all have to try to maneuver around it. Maybe best to avoid the punchbowl completely? Best to find an alternate brew. The Truth is out there. It isn't up for debate. Truth is Truth. Why do those folks cling to the Lie? They can't admit they are wrong, they've duped by a total Clown and Fraud? Yes, probably so. The rest of us scratch our heads and wonder: why are so many of my fellow Americans fed up with Democracy, you know, why do those supposed "true Americans" hate so much of what makes America great? Beats me. I think it's a kind of a nihilistic death cult: Trumpism. Yuck. The worst of the worst embodied in one man and one movement. 

So yes, the January 6th Hearings (see previous post), are all about telling, exposing, highlighting the truth of the events that led to the Insurrection. It is a necessary, healthy, important thing to do, to show to the world. The cold hard facts, the basic, simple truth of what happened must stand up against the B.S. that swirls around us. It is not entertainment, it is a cleansing, a truth-seeking tonic for what ails us. Let it come down. What happens when all see the plain truth? Who knows? The Death Cult will probably shut their eyes to it. But it is worth the effort. It is essential. Existential. Fuck the Liars. Fuck the B.S. As John Lennon once sang: "Gimmee Some Truth."