Sunday, June 12, 2022

Truth-Seekers, Truth-Tellers...

It is obvious to this Humble Observer that the January 6th Hearings are writing history NOW. An event happened, (an Insurrection),  and, even to this day, we are still sifting through the evidence, discovering facts, putting the narrative together. It's a tale of skullduggery and intrigue. The Congressional Commitee is determined to unearth the facts, to discover and uncover the truth, and present it to the world. It is an honorable task. It doesn't matter if some people don't care. It doesn't matter if some people continue to LIE over and over, and swear that there are no facts, there is no Truth, and what we can see and hear with our own eyes and ears didn't really happen. We must not be BAMBOOZLED by the loudest, no-nothing voices. So funny to see that the MAGA Death Cult just refuses to see the obvious. They can yell, and pound the table and swear that their Gaseous Dirigible Candidate was cheated, but it's all just Gaslighting, maximum B.S. They have no leg of evidence to stand upon. I throw my lot in with the Truth-Seekers and Truth-Tellers. Let the facts and the evidence live. We can handle the truth. And we must face it. It is the only way to reclaim and renew the USA and it's always under attack Democracy.