Thursday, June 09, 2022

My Own Personal Gospel...

I found myself, off the cuff, just spit-balling, improvising in the moment, talking off the top of my head, preaching my own personal creative gospel yesterday to a small group of musicians. We had just finished an astonishingly good session, playing songs together, flying, vamping, listening, responding, creating vibrations with heart & soul, totally alive, aware & awake in a rehearsal room, all connected & inspired, doing the good work.

I talked about energy, vibrations, healing, the power we were conjuring in the moment. I preached how we were all "healers," we were doing essential work that our fellow human beings were thirsting for, and craving. It all came out in a blizzard of words and feelings. I didn't know I was going to speak my truth, there was no forethought, I don't usually let it all hang out like that,  I mean, usually we play together and let the music have the last word, but this was a sympathetic group, folks who I admire, respect and trust, and they often inspire me with their beauty and dedication to their instruments and the music we create together.

So I laid it on thick. The opposite of a "fire & brimstone" sermon, it was a sermon of love and energy, and vibrations, and discipline and fun, and the creative mission. It was a riff on our purpose. There were smiles all around. I think the message landed in hearts and minds. We all kind of glowed. It was a good session.