Sunday, June 26, 2022

Distill Down the Difference...

Democrats vs. Republicans.

A battle between people devoted to racial justice, multi-culturalism, equality, social & political inclusion & diversity vs. people who don't value those things at all (they are clinging to their white nationalism, bibles and guns).

Democrats vs. MAGA DEATH CULT.

Democracy vs. Fascism.

Over here it SEEMS LIKE AN EASY CHOICE.  As a long-time, life-long American, a "white" (Heinz 57 model), boy born in USA, I throw in my lot with Democracy, Democrats and Progressives of all stripes and persuasions! I can't imagine living any other way. 

When I see anyone, for instance immigrant, woman, LGBTQ+ person, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, poor, hungry, needy, being oppressed, vilified, excluded, I think: "There but for the grace of God go I."

We are all Human Beings. Equal under the Sun and the Flag. We all, every last one of us, should be treated with respect, dignity, love & charity. Those clinging to a creed of Supremacy are seriously wrong-headed & misguided. They are a threat to all we hold dear. They should be called out, out-voted. They truly are out-of-step with most of America.  The Tyranny of the Loud, Angry MAGA Death Cult must end.