Monday, June 27, 2022


We live these strange bifurcated existences. We experience wild-ass dichotomies all the time. We must navigate and try to bridge the divide; our lives, our bodies are the bridge, we live in the spaces between.

So, yesterday was a good example. A perfect day. Sunny, beautiful, the lakefront alive with life and wonder. The message: every moment is precious, and we should be grateful to be alive, aware, awake second by second. If we could truly see the world with total clarity, we'd be in total wonderment and stupefaction at all times. Yes, undoubtably a difficult way to get thru a day, but such is life.

At the same time, when we huddled with some of our fellow citizens, speaking of national events, things turned dark. Clouds of questioning loomed above our heads. Fascism on the rise? Are we watching the end of our American Dream? Over here in our Blue Bubble, it is getting difficult to put a positive spin on the direction of this little Democratic experiment.  Human Beings are failing at their jobs.  The question hanging over this beautiful day: Can we get our SHIT TOGETHER?!?