Saturday, June 25, 2022

Wing-Nut, Lunatic-Right, Fascist Judges...

The Supreme Court, not so supreme…

Thanks to Republican's successful campaign over the last 30 years or so to pack the highest court in the land with wing-nut, lunatic-right, fascist judges, woman have now been denied bodily autonomy. And the court has opened the door to taking away all of the social, progressive gains made by Women, LGBTQ+ folks, minorities and anyone who chooses an alternate lifestyle, or want to take contraceptives and being in charge of their own health. 50 or so years of social progress wiped away in one retrograde ruling.

Shocking. Breath-taking. Disgusting. Some of these judges lied their way to the court in their confirmation hearings before the Senate. They have destroyed their credibility and the credibility of the institution. What to do? Elect more Democrats in the House & Senate. Refuse to give up Hope. This ruling seems like a major step forward into a new American Fascism. The Supreme Court is so out of step with the broader culture. Those black-robed wing-nuts are living in an earlier century, when only White Rich Men had rights, everyone else, now reduced to second-class standing.

There will be work arounds. This country is too big, too diverse, too progressive to let this stand. Too many Americans stand against this ruling and this court. Time to reform the court, expand the court, pack it with Judges who better reflect the great diversity and reality of America.