Thursday, June 30, 2022

Bowing Down to Power & the Powerful..

I know I've written about this before; the flaws of Human Nature. The Christians called it "original sin." But, if you are a secularist, you could just chalk it up to our genetic heritage. Tendencies built-into our Human makeup.

Time and again we see Human Beings bowing down to the Big Man. I think we could call it the Big Man Syndrome, or you know, Big Monkey Man (although, sometimes, rarely, it is a Big Woman!). It happens in all realms, Church, State, Business, The Arts, you know any realm where Human Beings congregate.

We have a tendency to bow down to power. We elevate folks to a higher state and then worship them either because they are Powerful, Wealthy, Beautiful, Charismatic, Creative, Intelligent, Loud, Angry, or whatever. Celebrity is a grand hierarchy. Invariably anyone with lots of power will abuse it. It just seems like the natural state of things. Human Beings choosing not to do the right thing, but doing what they can "get away with."

Yes, I suppose Human Beings love a hierarchy. Maybe it helps us survive. Or it's a way of sharing the responsibility of living. We have even invented Gods to have something to look up to, and to bow down to. We do the same with very flawed, tricky, complicated Human Beings too. We should know better, being Human ourselves. There is some weird desire to give up our freedom & autonomy to a perceived higher power.

It is not an attractive attribute. Pretty damn soul-killing too. It has led us to lots of mischief, bloodshed, horrors beyond imagining.  Man's inhumanity to Man (and Woman), I mean, hell, you could write a hefty tome documenting that shite.