Friday, July 01, 2022

The Extreme is Swallowing Us All Up...

You'd sort like to be happily moderate in the way you live, but, you know, catastrophic times call for catastrophic minds. We are in the midst of so many calamities, and they are all unfolding simultaneously. The center will not hold, nope, it is collapsing in on itself. No point in being moderate when the extreme is swallowing us all up.

Still reeling from the last January 6th Hearing (see the June 29 post).

It turns out that our ex-Prez #45, the Nauseous, Gaseous Dirigible thinks of himself as an American Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Mussolini or some other delusional strong-man. He actually wanted to cling to power at all costs and a clutch of sniveling, boot-licking lackeys went right along with him. He envisioned standing with the Mob on January 6th, and egging on the crowd to stop the Certification of the Vote, to occupy the Capitol, to "hang Mike Pence," and, I suppose, declare himself America's New FASCIST Leader For Life.

It sounds crazy, right? Even typing those sentences seems extreme. But, you know what? That is pretty much the story. WTF. It all came awfully close to happening too. It failed. Just barely. Luckily, Gaseous' Storm-Trooper Secret Service Agents spirited him away, maybe for his own saftey?! The mob was left to fend for themselves, while Gaseous, back at the White House, fumed and raged at the TV. And immediately after the "failed coup,"" Gaseous pretended it didn't really happen at all. It must have been that mythical beast ANTIFA who created the ruckus. He told us all not to believe our eyes, our ears, our senses five. And his rabid, murderous, crazy-ass, MAGA-Hatted followers just went along with the whole fucked up charade. 

It is only now, in these Hearings, that the true, sordid tale is being told. Yikes. Super-Yikes. Catastrophic times, indeed.  And, well, I mean, What to do? Of course, we have not heard all the evidence, there is much more to come,  other witnesses, other testimony, I hate to jump to end of the saga, but catastrophic times call for extreme measures, and  it seems that all corrupt roads lead to one Nauseous, Gaseous Dirigible. I know it seems so "third-world, banana republic" of us,  and of course, Gaseous still needs to be charged and tried, but the state of the state of the ship of state is what it is. We are all sinking into the extreme mire...