Wednesday, June 29, 2022

A Stain on USA...

The January 6th Committee Hearing Update: Blockbuster Edition.

Yes. The Hearing yesterday was stunning. A young woman, Cassidy Hutchison revealed her truth, and it was breathtaking. She was there. She saw. She witnessed. She testified, under oath. She revealed the sordid details, the depths of corruption, the mob-boss-like- ethic, the screaming, tantrum-wielding, vicious, Little Baby Man ex-Prez, #45, The Nauseous, Gaseous, Dirigble at his absolute worst. Sure, most of us thought that guy was a fucking, pathetic scourge on the land, but, you know, it was all even worse than even we imagined.

Lots of news in this hearing. Young Cassidy may go down as this coup, this scandal's John Dean, who knows?! My takeaway: Yes. It was a real Coup Attempt. Yes, Prez #45 wanted violence, he was fine with the mob murdering VP Mike Pence. From EmptywheelCASSIDY HUTCHINSON PROVES THAT TRUMP KNEW THE MOB HE SICCED ON MIKE PENCE WAS ARMED

The Nauseous, Gaseous Dirigible ranted, raved, he desired to march to the Capital with the Mob. He wanted them armed. He wanted to stop the certification of the vote. He really did want to stay in office. He wanted to destroy our Democracy in one fell swoop!

And, you know, many people knew. They all went along, the lawyers, the advisors, the GOP Representatives, GOP Senators, the White House Staff, they covered for him, they lied for him, they did his bidding, they looked the other way. They are still covering for him now. So many folks should face the long-arm of the law. Justice must prevail. 

Gob-Smacking Shite, yesterday. Wow. A sordid, disgusting story. A real stain on USA. WTF!?!