Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Idiocy of our Gun Laws...

Yikes. If we as a Species are faced with Man-Made Horrors, are we smart enough to mend our ways, to roll up our sleeves, and try "fix" things?  Reflecting on the History of Humanity, the answer is pretty much not encouraging.

As a Species we don't seem all that smart. Sure there are smart Humans amongst us. And most of the innovation, invention & creativity comes from a small subset of the great, over-populated Human Herd.

Our permanent record is definitely a mixed bag. Murder, Rape, Dismemberment, Torture, War, Genocide,  Bad Blood, Bad acts, Unimaginable Horror. That's one side of the equation.

Kindness, Love, Beauty, Heart, Grace, Intelligence, Creativity.  You know, there are few positive qualities in our kit-bag, but we are complicated messes.

USA is a "Gunaholic Culture." The Idiocy of our Gun Laws betrays a will-full blindness, & madness. It's probably not possible to fix Human Beings, we are not Clockwork Oranges. But of course, we can fix the Gun Problem. Even the 2nd Amendment contains the phrase: "Well-Regulated." 

There is no reason, except for a nihilistic Death Wish to allow Americans to own Military-Grade Weapons. Complete Fucking Idiocy too. OK. Maybe we aren't that smart. But we at least have to try to do better. To throw our hands up and declare that there's nothing to do is just an abdication of responsibility.  Blood on our hands. All of us.