Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Gun Sickness...

Another school shooting. It's heartbreaking. No doubt. And the political stalemate to actually do anything to try to prevent these tragedies is soul-sucking & brain-numbing.

We have a Human Being problem. Flawed Humans capable of anything, armed with too many guns, guns of every type, military-grade, weapons of mass destruction, so easily available to anyone & everyone in the USA.

This is a Mental Health issue, and a Gun Law issue. Wrapped up together. The compulsion to own guns is a sickness. Anyone arming themselves is suspect. Let's assume, for good reason that they are not right in the head.

Yes. Of course, guns should be banned. It should be really, really, really hard for a citizen to get a gun. Maybe it should be impossible. And if you are a Human Being stocking up on weapons, you really need to have your head examined. Gun Sickness.