Tuesday, May 24, 2022


From Killing Eve: "She's a rainbow in beige boots."

My partner and I can relate. We too sometimes feel like rainbows in a beige world, which has not always been peaches and cream for us. If you are radiating a wide-color-spectrum, you are always visible, and vulnerable to others in the Human Herd.  Standing out has it's hazards. There are many folks vying to swat us down. Sometimes, it would be easier to fit in, to belong, to not make waves, and just get along. 

Often, for us, that is not possible. Probably good that we have found each other, we can radiate together. It really helps when we have a r&r show. Performing together onstage, radiating the full spectrum. But it takes energy, and we can't always modulate or control it. Sometimes there is more out-going than in-coming. Energy management is a tricky thing.

Sometimes a really good show, means a "broken rainbow" the next day. Then it's all about shades of gray, of black and white, a spectrum of monochrome. Silence, long meditations, good meals, couch time are then required. 

We do our best to recharge, refresh, reconstitute. Get ready to radiate another day.