Friday, May 27, 2022

Of Course We Can Stop It!

Yes. Cartoon by Barry Blitt.  The GOP has blood on their hands. No doubt.

I'm not sure if I am a proponent of Existentialism(a philosophy that... centers on the subjective experience of thinking, feeling, and acting), some days, probably so, but, for sure, I really do take this quote from Jean-Paul Sartre to heart:
"Our responsibility is much greater than we might have supposed, because it involves all mankind."

Horrific events perpetrated by my fellow Human Beings seem to me to implicate my whole fucking species. The details of the latest mass school shooting are just too disturbing and soul-sucking to dwell upon. But the cold hard facts reflect upon all of us in the USA. We are the only advanced nation on the planet that allows this type of mass shooting with military grade weapons to continue to plague us.

A deep, dark, black-hole of nihilism. Some weird compulsion for death and destruction. Yes, it's like a virus in the Human Being tool-kit, USA version.

Some cynics throw their hands up and say nothing can be done.
Some hardcore creeps say we just need more guns.
Some folks bury their heads in their Bibles want to petition their God to intervene.

How about instead some common sense, can-do action? For instance: "Universal background checks, ban or restrict large magazines, require liability insurance, allow gun manufacturers to be sued for damages, ban assault rifles, require safety training and permits, don’t sell guns to people under 21." - Colin Peters