Saturday, May 28, 2022

A Children's Crusade?

You hope the outrage and pain can be transformed into political action. Maybe a "Children's Crusade?" The inaction and abdication of responsibility maintained by the GOP in the face of relentless mass slaughter is maddening and disheartening. 

We are failing the Children. 

Concerned Citizens and Parents need to unite and rise up. This is a political fight that can and must be won. USA, we need 60 or more Democratic Senators. We need Representatives willing to face the music, roll up their sleeves and legislate. Folks need to vote with their hearts on the their sleeves.

There are no good arguments against sensible gun control. No one needs to own an AR-15 or similar weapons. Those types of weapons must be banned and confiscated. We must make it really, really hard for people to get a gun. It is a major task, but one worth taking on. 

Sensible. Common Sense. Responsible. 

The majority of Americans are aligned on this issue. The GOP and the NRA are obstructors to gun sanity. It is no longer tolerable. All of their arguments fail. 

A change of consciousness can happen in an instant. That time is now. Concerted action is required. This problem can be fixed. No doubt. We need to see clearly, to take action. We owe it to the Children and to ourselves.