Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Reality. What is it Good for?


What is it good for? Sometimes it is difficult to be in the real world, but, you know, that is where we live. The place where things are as they actually exist.  The Holy Ones, the Wise Ones tell us to be mindful, to be present, to live in the moment.  You know the real moment, all the moments, one rushing on after another. That is where we live, it is where all the shit comes down, where the Good, the Bad and the Ugly contend.

I mean, nothing wrong with dreaming, with cultivating your imagination, but the real is real, it takes discipline and clarity to the see the world as it is, and not just how you want it to be.

Best to be there in the real in all it's splendor; alive, aware, awake, no matter how difficult, or disturbing. It is where the beauty and wonder resides too. Seems simple, almost simple-minded. But there it is. Breathe. Open your eyes, your head, your heart. Let it all in, let it all come down.