Thursday, March 03, 2022

Crimes Against Humanity...

All the greatest Crimes Against Humanity come from Humanity. That is fucking fact for you. The worst shit you can imagine comes from our Fellow Human Beings. Makes one take pause, gasp for the next breath.

If there is Evil in the World, it resides in the Human Heart. Same with Good. Seems we have a Demon on one shoulder, and an Angel on another. I know we all want to blame forces outside of us, Devils and Gods in some grand disembodied realm playing chess, but that is lame. It's us. It is all on us. The battlefield is in our own hearts & heads.

We watch The Horror unfold in Ukraine, and we think Monsters must have unleased this cruel violence, unconscionable death and mindless destruction. But, no, it is one megalomaniacal Human Being who has unleashed this latest Horror. Although, don't forget this one man has enablers, supporters, and co-conspirators all over the planet. 

Unimaginable. We must imagine it. We are all implicated. I suppose it is that Existentialist thing. 

What to do? Feeling pretty helpless. Hoping, praying, looking to the light. If you listen to the Wise, Holy Ones, it is essential to live Mindfully, to be kind and generous, always, to try to set an example of Right Thought, and Right Action in everything you do. We are just one drop in the ocean, but, if you go with that mystical notion, we are the ocean too!

Yes, seems sort of paltry in the face of The Horror, but that's also the very Human Truth we must live with. The limits of being Human in a vast Sea of Humanity!