Friday, March 04, 2022

Dichotomies We Live With Every Day...

You stare into the Black Abyss. 
You think the Universe is filled with a Bottomless Black.

You stare into the Light (be careful "Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind")
You think the Universe is filled with Blazing Light.

Contending Forces:

Light vs. Dark
Good vs. Bad
Love vs. Hate
Peace vs. War

We, of course, live with these dichotomies every moment of every day.

War is raging in Ukraine; the Jaws of a Man-Made Hell are open wide.

Here in the Heartland of USA it is sunny & peaceful. A bit of Heaven on Earth.

Doesn't seem fair. 

Such suffering for some, such peace & calm for others. You wonder what it's all about.

It is the way of the world. Has been since the beginning. Probably will be until the end. 

We are surrounded by darkness, we lean to the light, and hope for better days ahead for all.