Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Clarifying Moment...

Just pay attention. Who in the USA is siding with Putin, a murderous thug at war with a civilized world? Note the inhumanity of the folks doing Putin's dirty work in the media and in the political sphere.

Remember. Do not forget. 

This is a clarifying moment in time. The claws and fangs and bad blood are all being revealed. Bombs are dropping, innocent people are dying. We are all implicated. This is no longer political theater, this is a hard, cold reality. It is our world. At war. 

So sad. But we must face it all with a fierce compassion. Clear-headed. Time to cleanse the soul. Pay attention. Be aware, alive, awake.  There are the soul-eaters amongst us. They are revealing themselves in all their depravity.  Some folks have made a fortune feeding on disinformation, using it to destroy Democracy from the inside. Be sure to take note of the comments of President #45 and his slime-ball supporters, and his cable news & social media mouth-pieces. Who is amplifying Russian propaganda for profit?

This is no longer just a show, not just political performance art. It is a horror-show with real devastation, and blood and death. Pay attention.