Saturday, December 25, 2021

Zen Master of the Goof!

I have a few days off. So, I get to maximize my goofing off time. Goofing off. I do think it's an important human mode. Ever since I was a wee lad growing up in little suburban enclave, goofing off has totally come naturally to me. I am sort of a Zen Master of the Goof.  A freely-offered & determined, a supremely disciplined & focused, a ramshackle and silly, goofing off. Goofing off with a purpose: expanding and enriching my mental, physical and spiritual space. And I do think it has kept me fairly sane, and happy.  My go-to goofs: meditation, music (the exquisite & inspiring,  "Floating Points" - 2021 - is on the cd player at the moment), movies, walking, biking, restringing my guitars, writing songs & poems, singing songs, reading books (my latest read is a ripping-yarn, a rollicking, masterfully told tale about the abolitionist John Brown, James McBride's magnificent, "The Good Lord Bird"). I mean I am totally serious about goofing off, with the understanding that all goofing off comes out of a deep sense of joy & play. The stuff of a well-lived life. No doubt.