Sunday, December 26, 2021

Good Enough...

If you believe Life is Good, you are basically throwing your lot in with the Lovers, those who embrace the world with both arms, with hearts wide-open. It's a dicey proposition. You will get hurt, you will suffer, you will see others suffer and die, and still, you are left with Love and the idea of The Good. Some folks drop one of the "O's" and come up with GOD. But really, we are talking about an idea, and a feeling, not a being. We don't need an all-powerful creator, we can make a determined turn to Love and Goodness all on our own. Being kind. Not in some grand, all encompassing way, but in a small way. Be Gentle. Be Kind. Turn to Love. An idea, an impulse, a tendency. A leaning to the Lightness of Being. How to explain pain, suffering, death, bad acts, the misery, the horror? You don't.  There is no  explaining. No answer.  The Good Life sits side by side with the Bad, the Horrible, the Evil. Just like everything in the Universe there is "the thing," and it's opposite. Do Good and Evil cancel each other out? I don't know. Maybe it's beyond math. You end up having to embrace it all.  The order and chaos. The things you can embrace, and those you can't get your arms or head around. You will be destroyed too. That's just the way of the world. But, still, finally, you embrace what you can and what you can't. You believe Good will prevail even if you can't prove a thing.  You throw in your lot with Lovers of Life.  Damn the torpedos. And that's got to be good enough.