Friday, December 24, 2021

Life. Yes.

This Christmas Eve morning we are listening to the beautiful, masterful, inspiring, and life-giving album by Bill Fay: "Life is People." (2012)

Let's call it a "humanistic" manifesto. People. They are tricky, complicated, beautiful, inspiring, maddening, sometimes horrifying, and deeply disappointing too. Human Beings: the solution and the problem. Both. A mixed bag. All of us sons and daughters of Mitochondrial Eve. 

We are laying low this Holiday season. Another pandemic version of a well-rounded life. 

Isolating, masked, vaxxed, boosted, wondering about the human herd. We are doing our best to stay safe, healthy, happy, and NOT INSANE. Lots of reading, writing, playing music, listening to music, laughing, loving, streaming movies. Keeping our heads held high.  Let's try to make it to another day all in one piece.  There are no guarantees. Everything is precious. Life. Yes. It is good.