It really turns out to be quite-useful. To visualize, to create, to release energy. We don't need to believe in it, to use it, we just do it.
It was a life-changing course, probably some of the most important work we've ever done in our lives. We still use our tools. Pretty much every day.
We had a recent knotty problem, and well, we cast about a bit, forgetting some of the tools we have in our kit-bag. My companion reached out and reconnected with one of our teachers and the session "blew some pictures" and freed up the energy around them. She shared the information with me and it totally opened both of us up, and the knotty problem basically exploded & vanished into thin air.
So yeah, it's an energy thing. Really. Life is an energy thing. We are beings of energy. It helps to be able to channel, to play with, and to release energy using some simple, easy to employ tools. Its sounds a bit trippy & hippy-dippy, and maybe it is, sort of, but you know, not really, and well, you know what!? It works! Really!
"Energy is Eternal Delight!" - Wm Blake