whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

A Dead End...

This crazy-ass anti-VAXX madness hit close to home for us. 

One of the musicians in our band refused to get vaxxed. The other 6 of us were so happy and feeling so lucky to get fully vaxxed,  and do our best to stay healthy. So, our UNVAXXED band member is now an EX-Band Member. It was a painful decision. The guy is an amazingly gifted player, a musician with an intuitive genius for his instrument. Sort of a Savant as a musician, but an Idiot as a Human Being. An Idiot Savant. So, yeah, the Idiot side of him swamped the Savant side. And he is now out of the band.

It was a hard decision, but an easy one too. His behavior is just not acceptable. Stupid and selfish. It is another reminder of the complicated nature of being a Human Being: Magnificent in one aspect and Wretched in another. 

Finding a replacement has not been easy, but we feel we have a special band, an amazing group of musicians, all dedicated to a creative mission. Not everyone is welcome in our sacred circle. We have no patience or time to spend with stupidity. It's just the plain truth.  Covid-19 is nothing to be casual about. The only sensible thing to do is to get the vaccine and to mask up. The Delta Variant is now loose in the population and the Unvaccinated are a threat to us all. We must do all we can to protect ourselves and others. The alternative is a DEAD END!

WTF People!

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