whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Friday, December 18, 2020

Transform Yourself/Transform the World...

I am reminded again...

Whenever anyone starts to tell you what "God thinks," it's time to hide your wallet and skedaddle. Most assuredly what you are getting is someone's skewed, very flawed, human-centric, mumbo-jumbo. They are telling you what they think, and it's almost assuredly a load of B.S. clothed in biblical, religious finery. Usually you find out that God is a bigot, a racist, a homophobic, white, conservative, evangelical who wants to reward the God-fearing ones, and condemn everyone else to the flames of hell.

Oh yeah, and their God is perfectly happy with them raping, pillaging, and accumulating great sums of money. Turns out their God is a greedy, capitalist fuck who hates poor people. Weird.

It's all a gory fantasy: Envy, Revenge, Judgement, Retribution. Pretty damn ugly. These folks talking about God are a close-minded, bitter, lot. Please avoid at all costs.

I'd like to reclaim God for the mystics. I mean, God or no God? Who knows? 

I do think you can find the calm center inside. You can find some peace and light in the stillness. You can connect with everything in the Universe. I know, I have done it myself, experienced it via a dedicated  meditation practice.

No great promises. Just a certain calmness, centeredness, and connected-ness. Tune out the noise, find the silence. As Stevie Winwood of Traffic once sang: "Heaven is in your mind." Now that's something to work towards. A practice of stillness and contemplation. Transform yourself/transform the world.

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