Friday, December 11, 2020

Love Rules...

A deep emptiness yesterday...

If you are a human being for any length of time, you come to the realization that Life is about Love and Loss. You want to fill your Life with the things you Love. But no matter how fill up, you will Lose them. No telling how or when. That's just how this Universe rolls.

There are the big losses and the little losses. Everything counts. Probably best to Love lots of things. Take in as many things as you can, and Love them Truly, Madly, Deeply. Might make Life a bit-overstuffed, and messy, but that's OK.  Embrace, engage, occupy, submerge into Love. Live in Love.

Turns out the things you Lose will increase your Love for them. Loss multiplies Love. It's a weird calculus. So, even in the Losing, Love Rules.