Saturday, December 12, 2020

Plague Fatigue...

The little progressive blue bubble we live in seems to be shrinking. It's getting tighter and tighter around us. Not so much comfortable, as claustrophobic. A sort of mental strait-jacket has descended upon us. Our little world has gotten smaller. Covid-19 is raging. There is a storm of sickness and death across the land. The vibe in our town is pretty bleak. Even with masks on, and from a healthy distance, folks are showing all the signs of a heavy depression.  Plague fatigue has kicked in. There is news of a vaccine coming, better news on the distant horizon, but still the fix is probably months away. There is a grim determination to carry on, to stay safe, to hunker down until we can all get a dose of immunity. But who knows?! The crazy is still alive in the land, so many of our fellow human beings seem to be acting like, selfish, clueless,  numb-skull shits.  What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? Turn up the music, playing the Zombies this a.m. and vowing to "damn the torpedoes." We want to live see a better day on the other side, post-Covid, post-Vaccine.  Here's hoping.