Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Difficult Day...

Yesterday was a difficult day...

I had no idea it would be a difficult day. That's how it goes. A day comes along, so like the others, except, not really like any of the others that came before this one day.

I have a long-time friend, a sweet little being, the furry, four-legged variety. I have known her many years, it's bit fuzzy, but I think I have spent time with her every weekday for almost seven years. We have walked together. Hung out. Thru the rain, the snow, the blazing sun, the hot, the cold, the dark, the raw. We have mainly had good days together.  We have pretty much seen the best of each other. Always happy to say "hello," even on those day we trudged thru the thick and not so thin.

How many steps together? How many grains of sand on the beach? How many stars in the sky?

Anyway, before our walk yesterday, I was told by her folks that this would be our last walk together. I kind of knew this day was coming, my little friend had been growing more and more thin, frail, fragile. She usually put on her best show for me, she always rose to the occasion, but her nights we getting difficult, she was on a cocktail of meds to get her thru, her folks didn't want her to struggle or suffer any more.

So our last walk. We went to the lakefront, as usual. We saw the sand, the water, the sky, the clouds, the trees. Everything seemed to glow, everything seemed a little bit more present. We walked side by side. Slowly, savoring each step. She picked up the pace a bit as we turned for home, this was her usual way, always happy to be heading back home.

I brought her back. Gave a big hug. Held her in my arms. I rested my hand on her head. I said a few words to her, her eyes so dark, deep, mysterious, shining, full of wonder. 

Goodbye my friend.