Wednesday, December 16, 2020


We keep getting the same lessons over and over...

Do we really learn, or do we just experience, and re-experience, the same experiences?

No matter what you are feeling at the moment,  that feeling will pass. Everything does. For instance: you can have a grand epiphany, a momentous feeling of transcendence, but it is only momentary; it's fleeting, insubstantial, ephemeral. You can recall it, like a happy dream, conjure it up over your morning cup of coffee, and you can find solace in the knowledge that you did have an epiphany, but then, you are snatching at a chimera, a mythical beast, you do know you felt it, saw it, experienced it, and it changed you, but still, that initial thing is gone, you are left with the day to day life thing.

Life gets in the way of our grand lessons.

Another day goes by, what did I learn yesterday? Life is precious. Ephemeral. I found out that a friend from the distant past has died. So shocking. A sweet, creative being. Someone younger than I. Yikes. The clock is ticking...

Reminded me, yet again, that although humans are resilient, tough, adaptable, rugged, able to endure lots of hardship & suffering, we are also fragile, temporary, easily broken, so sensitive, dream-like, cloud-like, and we often come and go like a crumpled leaf in the wind.