Thursday, December 17, 2020

Who Knew?!


We are hearing stories this morning about spiking Covid-19 cases in the wake of Thanksgiving gatherings across the land. Hmmm... who knew?! I mean, like everybody?!

Young folks coming home to celebrate with the old folks, everyone passing the virus around, the (primarily) older ones ending up in the hospital. Some of them dying. We were told this would happen. We were warned. 

We are now getting the same warnings about X-Mas. We wonder if our fellow Human Beings are listening?

What are you willing to give up to try your best to stay safe and healthy? Think about giving that up in the near term. What is more important than your health? What is more important than breathing free and clear? 

You would think that simple, common-sense, self-preservation would kick in. But that is assuming that you are one of those who "believe" in science and medicine, that you trust main-stream news sources and you live in a world of truth, facts and cold-hard realities. 

Turns out lots of our fellow Americans don't live in that space. They are conjuring an alternate reality. It's a mask-less, entitled, clueless game and a scam. It, improbably, breaks down: Blue vs. Red. Democrat vs Republican. Amazing. Ridiculous. So dumb.

We are starting to think some of our fellow Human Beings lack a bit of smarts, imagination & empathy.  Some of us seem to miss the point that in most ways, we are all the same. Human Beings. None of us are immune.  None of us are invincible. None of us are smarter than Nature. All of us can succumb to a nasty, deadly, super-contagious virus. You are one cough, sneeze, breath, hug, away from disease. It's pretty simple, common-sensical. It's elementary, my Dear Watson!

Think better. Act smarter. Come on, drop the delusion of grandeur, get in the real world, let's make it to vaccine season together!