Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Glimmers of Light...

I've decided to be blazingly, incandescently optimistic this morning. The radio tells me the vaccine is coming, the first, front-line workers are getting the initial round of doses. We are still in the middle of a raging, super-contagious pandemic. Disease and death lurk everywhere, it's hiding behind every little smile and hug.  Pretty weird. It's dangerous to be a social animal. But there are glimmers of light. And hell, give me a just a little glimmer of light, and I will run with that fucker as if my life depended on it.

We've had to adjust. We don't do lots of things we used to do. We have given up many things we love to do to try to stay safe. And of course, we've adopted new habits: frequent hand-washing, social & physical distancing, and mask-wearing. It hasn't been that hard. I mean, many humans have to make many sacrifices harder than us. Many humans have made much more difficult sacrifices. Many of our fellow beings have succumbed to sickness and death. What a tragedy.

We actually feel kind of lucky around here. We are hanging in by a thread. It's all smoke and mirrors.  But somehow we are making it. Winter is coming. Some say it will be a "dark winter." Maybe so. But we are ready and willing to endure and to survive. We hope luck sticks around us for awhile.

The vaccine is coming. We can start to dream of a post-covid world, and a renewed Democracy. So happy that the new Biden/Harris era will be rolling in. Looks like our little democratic experiment actually will survive. Turns out they way it works: people vote, we count the votes, the person with the most votes wins. Simple. Common-sensical. All the raging and noise is just so much jet-trash. The Toxic Clown Autocrat Asshole has gone down in a major defeat. Fuck him. Can't wait for the day when that fat fuck waddles off to meet his fate.  As my father used say: "He will get what he deserves." I do believe.

The a.m soundtrack - The Drive By Trucker's "Go-Go Boots" (2011) -  There is a something glorious about a r&r band, live in a room, the classic configuration: bass, drums, guitars, vocals, keyboards; all clicking together, vibing off each other. The Truckers have two excellent songwriters, 3 vocalists, so American. So rich, funny, powerful, profound. Exquisite. This record also features a cover of Eddie Hinton's fabulous song, "Everybody Needs Love." It's an anthem. Blazingly, incandescently optimistic. Tinged with sadness. That's the best stuff imaginable. Great band. Great sound. No doubt.