Friday, November 06, 2020

Simple Math is Still Simple Math...

UPDATE as of 8:24 a.m. CST: The slow death of the gaseous, little baby man dirigible... one vote at a time. Democracy in Action! The waiting is the hardest part, but latest word, Biden/Harris are now leading in Georgia (hat tip to Stacey Abrams) & Pennsylvania... just waiting for the networks to call it. We will have a new President and Vice President. So, so fabulous. Pizza Party!!!

Simple math is still simple math.
For instance 2+2 still = 4

There isn't Republican math or Democratic math.

Democracy still = (a) "government by the people,  especially : rule of the majority
(b) a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections"

Yes. We must not forget, as Patti Smith once sang: "People have the power." Remember that idea: Every vote counts. As a corollary to that we must count every vote. 

We forget. All these competing interests sometimes confuse us. In a Democracy the people, the common ones, the little folks who live across the land, each one of us has the right to vote. Our votes, collectively, determine who is elected and who is not.

Ballots come in many forms: in-person, mail-in, provisional, absentee. All of them are valid. All must be counted. 

Tune out the noise. Don't listen to the loud, fat man raging at the podium and on Twitter. He is sinking, flailing, failing. Let the votes be counted. A new day is dawning.

The big question: Which state will put Biden/Harris over the top? Will it be Nevada, Pennsylvania or Georgia? Any one of them will do. All three are trending Blue. Remember Democrats voted by mail in much larger numbers than Republicans. So the late vote-counting favors the Democrats in all of these battleground states. That's just a simple fact. I am rooting for Georgia to be the one to clinch the win for Biden, that would be so, so sweet, but I suspect it will be Pennsylvania. Either way is fine with me. Let Democracy rule. Let the people have their say. Count every vote. 

We will have a new President. No doubt. That's just the math. Fingers crossed...