Thursday, November 05, 2020

Main-Lining Numbers...

Still waiting for the final count. Main-lining numbers. Not very healthy or satisfying. What's the mood around here?

Frazzled. Jittery. Exhausted. Touchy. Jumpy. Cautiously, desperately, optimistic. Prone to easy tears. Yes. A bit weepy (I listened to Dylan most of  yesterday, and early evening, yes it's been a Dylan Jukebox, from the early folk anthem stuff, Dylan reading his poem to Woody Guthrie, to later exhilarating r&r and even some of the gospel-tinged, early 80's church-y tracks). Why weepy? I haven't been sleeping well. I'm a bit overwrought and exhausted. I am the type of person who wears his feelings on his shoulders. Even though I am always striving for balance, common sense, a cool, chill demeanor, I live and die with my emotions & feelings. So yeah, live and die with every little morsel of news. As someone once remarked about my brother and I: "Both feet in, blood flying."

Right. It's a challenge not to be too emotionally-invested in the outcome of this election, but of course, that's not just hard to do, it is freaking, totally, impossible. I CANNOT countenance another four years of Trump. Just can't do it. Can't fathom it, can't imagine it, can't entertain it, can't think about it. I am totally gob-smacked that millions of my fellow Americans could vote for that disgusting example of humanity.

Luckily for me, and for everyone I know, the numbers are looking good for my pick. I mean, there is still a bit of uncertainty, final counts aren't in yet, votes still need to be counted and tallied, but really, the trend is looking good. The undoubted certainty: a record number of voters voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We are on the cusp of a new era. A huge popular vote win for a new direction. Now it's the parsing, counting at the state level that is the make or break. As of this moment Joe Biden is 6 electoral college votes from being our next President. Hallelujah!

So, so close we can taste victory. I was expecting total exhilaration, but you know, even an exhausted, over-wrought relief will do just fine. It make take days, or who knows, we may know a winner very soon. I suppose an ungodly dollop of patience is required. Okay. Got it. I figure more main-lining numbers today. More Dylan too. It's important to tune out and recharge too. 

What's the a.m soundtrack? Paul Butterfield Band's "East-West."  (1966). Fabulous. Tough. Electric blues with some jazzy instrumental jams. The perfect post-election, deep in the weeds vote-counting, waiting with bated breath soundtrack...